Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kaitlin Baker's Online Module in lieu of class on December 9

Based on articles #1 and #2:
1. What are the social and mental implications for children with learning disabilities?
Children with learning disabilities tend to show many different types of emotional issues. Some of these issue that are noticed are anxiety, depression, acting out, complaining, and poor social behavior; just to name a few. All of these problems that can occur because of the learning disability will affect the child in and out of school, and throughout their lives. We, as teachers and parents, need to take notice of these issues so that we can work with the child, talk with them when they need, and help them do and get past the issue of frustration. "Educators should be cognizant of the different types of social and affective problems they are likely to confront in students with learning disabilities. (p. 277)" It is essential that we have a clear understanding of the different mechanisms of interactions so that we can be as helpful as possible and can use the best strategies for intervention.

2. Think back to when you were in school. What strategies do you remember teachers using (academic or behavioral). Think about how a child with a Learning Disability would respond to these strategies. Explain and comment.
When I was in school if a student was acting out, behaving incorrectly, or not doing their work or what they were supposed to be doing the teacher would move the student to another spot in the room, take away recess time, stand with you nose up at the board, sit alone at lunch, and give detentions; just to name a few. A child with a learning disability would probably not understand why they were being punished, they would probably get very frustrated, and they may either seem as if they don't care because they don't get it or they may get overly upset because they don't get it. Teachers would need to be understanding and patient of a child with a LD and take action differently.

3. How will you refine your practices to address the social needs of students with disabilities?
Students with learning disabilities need much more focus and attention, and social interaction. Planning group activities and interaction would be more appropriate to practice with these children then individual and independent work because it will allow these children to socialize and interact in a meaningful way.

Based on Article #3:
1. How has the evolution of medical technology changed the way we look at disabilities?
The medical technology such as scanning a child's brain has helped us to understand what goes on in the brain's of these people with learning disabilities. It has helped us to understand exactly what goes on in the different regions of the brain along with reading development and reading failure. It has helped us test for reading problems and to make targeted interventions that will help children and adults overcome reading failure.

2. What implications will this new outlook have on teaching and mandated legislation?
This will allow teachers to understand what is going on with the child's brain and to recognize and work with the child effectively to prevent reading failure.

Based on Article #4 and #5:
1. The disproportionate representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse children in special education is a significant issue in education. After reviewing the article:
a. List some of the issues surrounding this topic?
There is an over-representation of culturally and linguistically diverse children in special education and in the quality of their educational experiences, Relative Risk Ratios which is based on a comparison of Risk Indexes for racial/ethnic groups; a Risk Index is an expression of the rate at which a disability condition occurs in a group and can be expressed as a percent, and Re-defining the Problem which prevents defining disproportionality, itself, as a problem and, more specifically, disallows using any index of disproportionality as the means of setting goals and tracking progress in placement rates; along with other issues stated in the articles.
b. Discuss how legislation has attempted to ameliorate this problem
"Through the U.S. Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the ethnic representation of students in special education at the state and local educational level has been monitored every two years. Where over-representation exists, OCR has required many systems to implement corrective plans to reduce that disproportionality."
c. Describe the problem as you see it
I think these children are just being placed in these special education classrooms because of language barriers and issues that obviously do not want to be worked on, so instead of identifying the true problems with these children they are being labeled as learning disabled and being thrown into a special education classroom when it is not needed.
d. Make a suggestion…What is the solution as you see it?
I believe these children need to be more closely identified before being placed in a special education classroom. By just placing a child in a special needs class when they do not need this type of education; we are just hindering their learning development. We need to look more closely when determining placement for all children.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like both of our school's dealt with behaviors in the classroom the same. Must have been a Erie thing...
    In article 4&5: I agree that these children need to be more closely identified before being placed in special education classes. They shouldn't just throw a student in these classrooms because they have difficulty reading, we need to look more carefully!
